Completion of the Community Centre buildings in 2006 provided greatly improved facilities and was made possible in part with funding from the Japan Embassy. It includes a computer centre with computers which were generously donated by NCB Foundation and a library, partially funded by a private donor, which provide much needed resources. There is a waiting list for those wishing to attend computer classes and sewing classes are conducted in a sewing center on the campus. There is a dormitory and kitchen as well. These are intended to provide inexpensive housing for visiting service groups, teachers, and consultants. The Community Centre is an appreciated and respected resource for the community. Whether church members or not, volunteers regularly clean and work at events sponsored by the Holy Spirit Catholic Church and Holy Spirit Foundation. They bring what they have—fruits, vegetables, skills, and talents to share with others in the community and in appreciation for volunteers who come from abroad to offer time, talent and treasures toward the goals of the Foundation. Activities which are regularly held there include monthly birthday parties, semi- annual food distribution, receptions, after school tutoring, adult education classes, church celebrations, and meetings of visiting mission groups.