Since 2001 there has been a children’s educational program for the children, beginning with after school tutoring directed by Marta Socha, missionary educator. It then began financially supporting three children with funds needed for transportation to school and a meal during their school day. This educational component has grown into a program involving 200 children who would otherwise not be able to attend school. The children receive necessary funds and supplies, homework assistance, supervision and encouragement. The resident missionary teacher administrates the program. The parents of children being sponsored in the educational program are expected to volunteer at least two days per semester, but several volunteer even more time. Parents also participate in an agricultural program, growing various products to raise funds for the educational program. The children know and meet the expectations of the program, which include daily attendance at school, accountability for funds received for transportation, and proper progress in their studies.

The average costs for public school in Jamaica in US dollars for children in HSF Education Program are:
Tuition: $50 for these children below poverty line.
Uniform: Average of $50 per child per year. Each child needs at least 2 uniforms due to heat and laundry
hardships. This includes shoes, socks, and underwear.
School Supplies: Average of $20 per child.
Lunch: $198 per child ($1 per day, 22 days per month for 9 months).
Transportation: $297 per child based on an average cost of $1.50 per day.
Total: Average of $665 per child per year. The program currently includes 200 children.
