creation of a caring community today
Holy Spirit Foundation
turning the tide of poverty in Maggotty, Jamaica
Holy Spirit Foundation was established in an attempt to address the poverty in the area around Maggotty, in St. Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica in the West Indies. Under the direction of Father Marek Bzinkowski, with the assistance of many people from around the world, a Mission has been established and several programs have been put in place. Progress has been slow but sustained since 1999 when Holy Spirit Catholic Church began. The Foundation was incorporated in 2003 when it became clear that the area needed much more than is typically considered to be the role of a church. The community needed social services, jobs, leadership, education, health care, hope and sustainable programs to bring these about.
The Foundation has cooperated with Food for the Poor and Helping Hands Ministry. Churches abroad offer financial assistance and send volunteer work groups several times a year. Other funding sources have included: The Government of Poland, Loyola Foundation, Italian Bishop’s Conference, Conrad Hilton, Peter Claver, and several large private gifts. Holy Spirit Foundation cooperates with all diocesan projects and programs available. It has private friends and supporters from around the world.
While the primary measures of the success of the overall programs will be increased levels of employment and literacy in the next generation, the less tangible yet promising accomplishments of promoting self reliance, purpose, and creation of a caring community today cannot be ignored as being a major factor in turning the tide of poverty in this remote area.